We design and deliver
positive change on our planet

At Group One we change and develop in a sustainable way to care for our common future and planet. We deliver positive change, set trends, raise the bar, and inspire our industry to become climate neutral.

We are the trailblazers of the #netzero goal in the marketing communication industry.

We have calculated our total carbon footprint and we are working on the targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Science Based Target initiative.

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Indirect emissions resulting from externally sourced services (purchased/ imported) electricity, heat, cooling and process steam
scope 2 Indirect emissions

  • Ultilities: electricity, heating, cooling and process steam

Other indirect emissions created along the value chain
scope 3 Indirect emissions

  • Leasing

  • Employee commuting

  • Business travel

  • Waste

  • Purchase of goods and services

    Media buying is Group One's largest source of emissions.
  • Capital goods eg. equipment

  • Fuel and energy related activities

Direct emissions resulting from the combustion of fuels in stationary or mobile sources owned or controlled by the company.
scope 1 Direct emissions

  • Company fleet

  • Natural gas combustion for heating

Other indirect emissions created along the value chain
scope 3 Indirect emissions

  • Use of sold products (online interaction)

Upstream activities
Company activity
Downstream activities

Based on the GHG Protocol

31 309
Carbon footprint , i.e. the sum of directly and indirectly emitted greenhouse gases by a company/person during a year.

CO2e is the equivalent of CO2. It converts amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential.

It is as much as e.g. 4705 airplane flights around the Earth over the equator.

What do we plan next? We are working on emission reduction targets in line with the Science Based Target initiative and will announce them soon!

Direct emissions from the combustion of fuels in stationary or mobile sources owned or controlled by the company.
Scope 1 87,99 ton CO₂
Indirect emissions resulting from externally supplied (purchased_imported) electricity, heat, cooling and process steam.
Scope 2 156,22 ton CO₂
Other indirect emissions created along the value chain
Scope 3 18 480,73 ton CO₂
Warszawa 90.74% 16 990,40 t CO₂
Gliwice 5.07% 949,10 t CO₂
Praga 3.78% 707,61 t CO₂
Wrocław Wysoka 0.03% 6,28 t CO₂
Gdańsk 0.03% 5,34 t CO₂
Purchased goods
Purchased goods 18 038,10t CO₂
Employees 506,24 t CO₂
Facilities 180,51 t CO₂
Clients 0,09 t CO₂
Direct emissions from the combustion of fuels in stationary or mobile sources owned or controlled by the company.
Scope 1 104,44 t CO₂
Indirect emissions resulting from externally supplied (purchased_imported) electricity, heat, cooling and process steam
Scope 2 58,86 t CO₂
Other indirect emissions created along the value chain
Scope 3 31 145,89 t CO₂
Warszawa 92.39% 28 925,38 t CO₂
Praga 4.05% 1267,25 t CO₂
Gliwice 3.10% 972 t CO₂
Wrocław 0.35% 108,61 t CO₂
Wrocław Wysoka 0.09% 28,91 t CO₂
Gdańsk 0.01% 4,26 t CO₂
Kraków 0.01% 2.78 t CO₂
Purchased goods
Purchased goods 30 140,36t CO₂
Facilities 87,94 t CO₂
Employees 1 077,19 t CO₂
Clients 3,7 t CO₂

How are we reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

scope 1
  • We are gradually replacing our company cars with low and zero-emission ones, and we plan to complete this process by 2025.
scope 2
  • Almost 85% of the electricity we use comes from wind and solar farms. We plan to switch to 100% renewable electric energy by the end of 2023.
  • We have switched to LED lighting in our Warsaw office. As a result, we have significantly reduced our demand for electricity.
scope 3
  • The largest source of our emissions is ads in media, but mainly on online channels. We have been talking to our largest suppliers (publishers) about reducing their media carbon footprint. Together, we are working on solutions that will bring real positive change.
  • The hybrid work system, which has become a permanent part of our daily routine, means less time spent commuting to work and significantly lower CO2 emissions generated as a result of those commutes. Almost 17% of Group One employees always or usually work remotely, and further 28% come to our office only once a week. Only 13% of our employees work in the office every day*.
  • We use only recycled paper in our Warsaw office.

* Source: Group One employee survey, September - October 2022


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General Assambly of Marketing Communication Association SAR adopted a resolution for its members to implement the global Ad Net Zero program, which is the advertising industry's response to the climate crisis. Group One was the first in Poland to join the initiative by signing the agreement for companies and agencies supporting Ad Net Zero Poland.


We were the first media agency in Poland to join the prestigious Science Based Target initiative. The initiative brings together over 4,000 companies around the world, including only a dozen from Poland. By April 2024 we will have set and approved targets for reducing the carbon footprint within Scopes 1,2, and 3 in accordance with scientific knowledge on climate change and the Paris Agreement, i.e. so that global warming does not exceed 1.5℃.


In 2021 we concluded an agreement with the WWF in Poland and committed ourselves to:
- calculating greenhouse gas emissions within Scope 1, 2, and possibly 3
- announcing the goal of achieving climate neutrality
- increasing the share of renewable energy sources
- saving energy.

However, we aim higher.



The future of our planet and future generations depends on all of us. Knowledge is crucial to implementing positive change and protect the Earth from climate disaster. We are transparent in our sustainable actions and hope that others will follow this path.
  • ALL
  • Carbon footprint
  • CDP
  • Policy
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Year
No data